E.DRAS.E (Association for educational activities, Etaireia Draseon Epimorfosis in Greek) is a private, non-profit association that provides training and projects at national and international level. The Board consists of seven people and the organisation has 150 members and at least 10 partners supporting its activities. E.DRAS.E has as main objective is to promote the Physics, Social Sciences and New Technologies in Greece and Europe through lectures, seminars, courses and the production of educational material.
E.DRAS.E specialises in blended and distance learning model. Some of our members are teachers of Secondary Education and participate in programmes related to innovative learning. We focus mainly on distance learning because we undertake the training of island teachers in the Dodecanese area. All our members work in Education and have been successful at organising, training and coordinating various national and international programmes. All this experience was gained in European programmes such as Comenius & Grundtvig/LLP, Erasmus+. E.DRAS.E has extensive experience in designing and producing innovative educational material.
E.DRAS.E offers a variety of services using the knowledge and experience of its expert group in both the public and private sectors. The E.DRAS.E team has many years of experience in implementing projects in both the private and public sectors. The company specialises in innovative sectors on a technological level.
E.DRAS.E has developed experience in training young people and adults using innovative methods in person and remotely such as Blended Learning and use of Virtual Worlds. The digital world and cutting-edge technologies are the tools of the organisation to attract talent, innovation, business development and the production of new products.