The IES El Sobradillo is a secondary school located in a peripheral neighborhood in the southwest district of the capital of the island of Tenerife, Santa Cruz. It offers the teachings of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), General Certificate of Education (GCE) and Vocational Training (VET). In addition, it has two Enclave Classrooms (AE) that train students with Special Educational Needs (NEE).

The global number of professionals in our school is 90 people: 71 teachers, 5 from the administration and services staff and 14 external to the school staff who regularly work with us. Among them, the school has specialized personal resources: three Special Education teachers who offer support for Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE) and a professional with Educational and Psychopedagogical Orientation.

The school has enrolled more than 700 students, most of them (almost 500) from Vocational Training and General Certificate of Education (GCE). The rest comes from Secondary School and many of them, from an environment with a lack of healthy habits and a lack of positive routines at home, largely associated with very low purchasing power. In addition, there are some cases of students at risk of social exclusion. Likewise, we have students with Specific Educational Support Needs.

This context makes our school participate in the activities proposed by the City Council, the Area Health Centre, Social Services, Neighbourhood Associations, as well as Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that offer all kinds of workshops and activities to promote comprehensive education of the entire educational community.

The “Enclave Classrooms” are schooling units found in ordinary educational schools, in which an educational response is provided to students with Special Educational Needs, which requires adaptations that deviate significantly from the curriculum in most or all areas or subjects, and that require the use of extra resources that are difficult to generalize.

Students between the ages of 14 and 21 are schooled in the “Enclave Classrooms” with these conditions so that they can participate in activities carried out by the rest of the school’s students. The ratio of the “Enclave Classrooms” has a minimum of three students and a maximum of six. With this student, personal and social autonomy, communication and representation and the workplace are worked on through the Transition to Adult Life Curricular Concretion (CCTVA). Similarly, students are integrated into subjects in Secondary and / or Vocational Training. Some of them are: Physical Education, Communicative Practices, Drawing, Religion, Mathematics and Tutoring.

In the “Enclave Classrooms” two Special Education Specialist teachers work as tutors, accompanied by two workshop assistants (one in each class) and an educational assistant who preferably supports students with motor disabilities. Likewise, the 1st and 2nd courses of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) are supported by a specialist teacher in Special Education to favour and cooperate in the implementation of inclusive actions that respond to student diversity.

Our journey in the Erasmus+ Projects begins in 2016 requesting Erasmus + programs in the Ka101 mobility to improve the quality of life and teaching of students. Now, we expose each one of the projects in which this educational institution has participated:

–           “Compartiresconvivivir” a Ka101 project with the aim of improving coexistence in our institution and another one from Siracussa (Italy).

–           “IES El Sobradillo, un centrosaludable” another Ka101 project developed from 2017-2019 related to health and a healthy lifestyle, promoting meaningful and active participation of teachers.

–           “School Walls” a Ka229 project for the development of creative spaces.

–           “Social Inclusion”, another Ka229 coordinated from our Norwegian partner in Bergen. This will be also the coordinator of this new project in Special Education.

–           “Better European Educational System”, a Ka229 project for the improvement of the educational system of institutions from Italy, Greece, Spain and Portugal.

–           “Computational Thinking” a KA201 project with pedagogical guidance from the Aegean University in Rhodes.

–           Two more Erasmus + projects for student mobility in Higher Education.
