The evaluation scores of both Greek and foreign pupils are at similar levels. Most of them liked the digital application very much or quite a lot, finding it pleasant, very or quite easy to use with the questions being easy to understand. The majority of respondents liked very much or enough the fact that correct answers were rewarded and most pupils said that they passed to the next level very much or fairly easily.
The vast majority of all respondents would like to see gamification applied in other subjects and would recommend this application to other peers and friends. For most there was a great or fair improvement in their knowledge of cultural heritage issues, while their interest in cultural heritage topics increased. For the majority of pupils this application was very or fairly effective in testing and consolidating their knowledge, and helped them to understand the content of the monuments under consideration, most of which are part of the school curriculum.
Most of the respondents considered such digital activities to be more effective in learning compared to classroom teaching and supported the possibility of increased collaborative learning and engagement during the use with the aim of increasing learning performance. This application contributed greatly or quite a lot to the concentration of the pupils during the process of answering the questions, which also indicates their active engagement in achieving the learning objectives.
This digital game prompted most of the pupils in all three schools to intensify their study in making them best able to meet the demands of the game and consequently the requirements of the subject. In fact, most of them, especially the Greek pupils, stated that if the points of the rewards in the game were somehow counted in their semester grades, it would motivate them to perform better in the game. The majority of pupils found it useful to have a leaderboard in the game and overwhelmingly stated that when they gave correct answers, they felt very well. This motivated them considerably to continue playing the game. In fact, over half of respondents welcomed the idea of using this app or equivalent as part of the gamification strategy in subjects involving heritage elements. It was clear from the responses of most of them that there is a strong or sufficient interest in subjects that include cultural heritage elements and that they themselves would spend more study time in such lessons. While more than 50% of pupils stated their wish for school subjects to contain more elements of cultural heritage, the intention of foreign pupils for such subjects is notable, with the vast majority of them demanding more elements and topics of cultural heritage in relevant courses. The pupils’ responses to this questionnaire showed that the integration and use of technologies in the lesson plans encourages a pleasant learning environment, collaboration and authenticity, pupil’s active involvement and the emergence of a learning experience that is no longer based on sterile content knowledge but puts pupils as protagonists in the search for knowledge. For most of the pupils who completed the questionnaire, the application has the characteristics that make teaching and learning an active process that motivates them, keeps their interest at a high level and contributes to their involvement in the acquisition of new information on cultural heritage issues. Increased collaborative learning and engagement is evident, as well as an increase in pupils’ concentration during the process of using the application, which has an impact on learning performance