From the questionnaire addressed to the teachers in all three countries it was demonstrated
that the evolution and the effectiveness of educational games, combined with the excitement and
enjoyment they provide, fosters inspiration, promotes change, creates goodwill, coordinates
efforts in different environments, helps to maximize motivation, creates a pleasant experience for
the student, and maintains interest at high levels.
The evaluations of both Greek and foreign trainers are at similar levels in all three categories of
the questionnaire. There was a slight deviation among the foreigners, which was stated several
times either in the majority of an “Enough” answer or even in more negative responses compared
to their Greek colleagues.
Negative responses did not predominate in any of the questions, but
they were in the 2% – 3% range in most of the questions.
Regarding the content of the app, most of
the surveyed agreed that the data presented is correct, free of racial and ethnic bias or other
discrimination and its presentation is objective and balanced. They also found the texts to be
understandable and appropriate for students, consistent with students’ intellectual maturity and,
in general, there is a logical progression of topics.
Regarding the evaluation of the app in terms of its educational quality, practically all
responded that the content of the app ‘meets’ the needs of the curricula and promotes the
fulfillment of its objectives. Furthermore the teaching aims and objectives in relation to heritage
issues are clearly defined and achievable, and the design of the application is consistent with the
theory of self-regulated learning. They also agree that the use of this app keeps the student active
in the learning process and enhances their critical thinking. Most of them acknowledge that the
use of this app can be applied both inside and outside the classroom. Teaching through this app
embodies students’ previous experience, promotes cooperation and fair play among students,
stimulates creativity, and motivates them through its use. Moreover, the majority of them are
positive that this application gives rise to subsequent activities and is also suitable for use with
students with learning difficulties. They are therefore convinced of the value of the gamification
strategy and that they are very likely to use such applications in the future.
Regarding the evaluation of the application in terms of its technical quality, most of the
surveyed teachers found the use of the application easy and decided that the information is
presented in a way that captures the imagination and curiosity of students. Finally, most teachers
found that students’ motivation after the interruption of gamification was maintained at levels
higher than beforehand.
Learners with the gamification strategy are able to define their own objectives, plan a series of strategies and actions, interact with the educational content, and directly recognize the results of their actions, so that they can perceive their right and wrong answers. The above are the basic principles and processes of the self-regulated learning model, an absolutely desirable type of learning in 21st century school education, according to which the individual himself regulates his behaviour, determines his goals, observes and directs his decisions and evaluates the consequences of his behaviour.