In the following video, André Thomas, CEO of Triseum, a company which specialises on the development of learning games, summarises the benefits of game-based learning and highlights the risks related to it.

In order to implement a game-based learning approach, it is important for the teacher to be able to evaluate the learning potential of a game, given that the learning potential of commercial games designed for entertainment might not always be immediately clear – nor are all games which have been designed for learning effective. However, you should also consider the following important questions to evaluate a game’s learning potential:

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Gamification is a recipe for fun and engaging learning that uses game mechanisms. The main idea of gamification is to take the engaging elements of gaming, like the challenge, the element of chance, the competition, the cooperation, the feedback, the rewards, the winning or the progression, and implement them into the teaching process. Let us look at five typical game mechanisms in more detail:

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We humans are not the only creatures on this planet who are familiar with the concept of play. In fact, play is widely practiced by most animals in some form. This suggests that a child’s urge to play is not a cultural phenomenon but an innate biological response to survive in the world.

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‘Cultural awareness and expression’ is one of the eight key competences that form the reference tool which EU Member States to be integrate into strategies and infrastructure in the context of lifelong learning.

The other key competences are:

1) Communication in the mother tongue,

2) Communication in foreign languages,

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Teenagers and heritage

Teenagers tend to question the customs, traditions, habits, beliefs and attitudes which had been passed on to them during their childhood, while they seek their own place in the world and their own identity. During this search for one’s place in the world and among others, meaningful heritage can help young people reshape their own value system and identities.

Digital heritage resources:

Resources that have been digitalised as a way to preserve them (including text, images, video and records)


For engaging young people with cultural heritage in a meaningful way, educational activities included the following characteristics

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Heritage education

Cultural heritage is used in the teaching environment, mainly to bring cultural heritage to the attention of as many pupils as possible and to enrich the learning processes.

Heritage education is an approach to teaching and learning based on the idea that heritage offers the opportunity to learners to engage in experiences that make them learn. By directly experiencing, examining, analysing and evaluating cultural heritage such as buildings, monuments, workplaces, landscapes, artefacts, rituals and traditions, learners gain knowledge, intellectual skills and a wider range of competences that enhance their capacities for maintenance and improvement of the society and ways of living.

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Our shared cultural heritage is at the heart of the European way of life. It surrounds us in our towns and cities, natural landscapes and archaeological sites. It is literature, art and monuments, crafts learnt from our ancestors, the stories we tell our children, the food we enjoy and the films we watch and in which we recognise ourselves. Cultural heritage defines who we are and strengthens our sense of belonging to a common European family. We all belong to a peaceful community of more than 500 million citizens with rich histories and interwoven cultures.

Cultural heritage shapes our everyday lives. It surrounds us in Europe’s towns and cities, natural landscapes and archaeological sites. It is not only found in literature, art and objects, but also in the crafts we learn from our ancestors, the stories we tell our children, the food we enjoy and the films we watch and recognise ourselves in.

Cultural heritage includes

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