
The final products of project Culture heritage and Gamification in Education were

1) A digital game with 33 monuments from Greece, Italy and Spain. You are a young scientist who tries to “Save the world” at (credentials needed, check here)

2) Cultural Guides for 90 monuments with multimedia resources, from Greece, Italy and Spain (different versions in Greek, Italian, Spanish and English -in Word and PDF)

Cultural Guides in PDF

Cultural Guides in Word at Drive Folder here

Monuments in PDF

Monuments in Word at Drive Folder here

Scenarios in PDF

Scenarios in Word at Drive Folder here


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Students from partner schools who visited our town, Komotini in April 2023 had the chance to enjoy all the important sites of the town and get familiarized with the cultural heritage of Greece by playing a digital scavenger hunt game which students of Geniko Lykeio Iasmou prepared for the mobility.

Democritus University of Thrace – Department of Greek Philology
School of Classical Studies and Humanities

The use of games is internationally recognized as a good practice for increasing learner motivation and engagement in the learning process. Gamification helps develop higher-order skills such as critical thinking, synthesis, and information analysis. Τhe evolution and effectiveness of educational games, combined with the high motivation and pleasure they offer for the user, has given impetus to the development of gamification methodology.

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As educational gaming moves from a future technology to a practice found in more and more classrooms, educators are recognizing game-based learning’s (GBL) potential to engage students and help them prepare for future learning.

By ensuring that games meet certain requirements, educators will find themselves on the path to choosing an impactful game that goes beyond the typical drill-and-practice or end-of-unit reward game.

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