On Wednesday , 23 of June 2021, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+KA227 project “Culture heritage and Gamification in Education” (CultGamEdu) took place online aiming to take the first step towards achieving its goals, review the partners’ tasks and schedule the first LTTA due to Covid 19 restrictions  in October 2021.

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Geniko Lykeio Iasmou (General Upper Secondary School of Iasmos) is situated in Iasmos, a small town 23 km west of Komotini, in East Macedonia and Thrace region. It is a public Upper Secondary General School. It has about 115 pupils and 17 staff/teachers. A huge percentage of our students belongs to Muslim minority. Some of them have low social and economical profile. Also, there is a percentage of 3% of pupils with special needs. All our students are able to communicate in English. Our school offers general secondary education. We try to adjust our school to rapid financial, cultural and technological changes and to add European added value.

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