On Wednesday , 23 of June 2021, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+KA227 project “Culture heritage and Gamification in Education” (CultGamEdu) took place online aiming to take the first step towards achieving its goals, review the partners’ tasks and schedule the first LTTA due to Covid 19 restrictions  in October 2021.

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I.CO.N (Inclusion in COmmuNity), is a Greek non-profit educational organisation in Rodos that offers a broad spectrum of educational and social activities.

ICON Greece was initiated as an informal group of educators and students aiming to enhance inclusion in the school community –for students with special skills, different cultural backgrounds or belonging to vulnerable groups as Roma, foreign, repatriate, refugee. ICON Greece started by implementing volunteer activities and educational projects at Secondary Schools in Rodos at the context of extra curricular activities such as Environment, Culture, Health Promotion, Creative Assignments, Social Inclusion, Skills Development, Social and Emotional Learning and Career Guidance.

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