On Wednesday , 23 of June 2021, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+KA227 project “Culture heritage and Gamification in Education” (CultGamEdu) took place online aiming to take the first step towards achieving its goals, review the partners’ tasks and schedule the first LTTA due to Covid 19 restrictions  in October 2021.

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Italian educational system

First cycle of education

The first cycle of education is compulsory and is made up of primary and lower secondary education.

Primary education (scuola primaria) starts at 6 years of age and lasts 5 years.

Lower secondary education (scuola secondaria di I grado) starts at 11 years of age and lasts 3 years.

Within the first cycle, students pass from one level to the next one without exams. At the end of the first cycle of education, students who pass the final state examination progress directly to the second cycle of education, the first two years of which are compulsory.

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IIS ‘P. Mazzone’ is a secondary high school in Roccella Jonica, a small town in Calabria, South
Italy. It consists of a ‘Liceo Scientifico’ which includes an option of Applied Sciences and provides
scientific, human and technical studies and of an ‘Istituto Tecnico Industriale’ which prevalently
provides technical sudies and covers four courses (mechanics, electronics, chemics,transport and

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V.E.M. SRLs is a SME formed by a team of young people who have decades of experience in the field of education, vocational training and new technologies; V.E.M. is recognised as an effective, efficient and gender proactive institution for the promotion and development of the labour market sector in Calabria. The philosophy of education at V.E.M. is based on a holistic conception of education that focuses on all aspects of the human experience including the importance of dialogue and interculturalism. V.E.M. endorses a student-learning pedagogy methodology that acknowledges the importance of differentiated learning and instruction. We believe in the importance of all kinds of research including academic and action-based research which produces tangible results. V.E.M. strives to achieve the highest quality standards in education.

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Title: « Culture heritage and Gamification in Education»

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA227-SCH-094519

Duration: 2 years

Applicant Organisation

ICON Greece, NGO



  • Geniko Lykeio Iasmou, General Upper Secondary school


  • V.E.M. srls
  • Istituto Istruzione Superiore “P. Mazzone”


  • IES El Sobradillo, Secondary School
  • Associació Meraki Projectes de València, NGO