On Wednesday , 23 of June 2021, the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+KA227 project “Culture heritage and Gamification in Education” (CultGamEdu) took place online aiming to take the first step towards achieving its goals, review the partners’ tasks and schedule the first LTTA due to Covid 19 restrictions  in October 2021.

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Spanish educational system

Stages of the education system

Pre-primary education is up to 6 years of age. Although it is not a compulsory education stage, the second cycle is free in all publicly-funded schools (public schools and publicly-funded private schools). Public schools providing it are called pre-primary schools and those also offering primary education are called pre-primary and primary schools.

Basic education is compulsory and free in publicly-funded schools. It lasts ten years and it is divided into two stages: 

  • Primary education, provided in primary schools. It covers six academic years, usually studied between the ages of 6 and 12
  • Compulsory secondary education, studied in secondary schools, between the ages of 12 and 16. At the end of this stage, students receive the first official certificate, the Lower Compulsory Secondary Education Certificate, which allows them to have access to upper secondary education or the world of work.
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The IES El Sobradillo is a secondary school located in a peripheral neighborhood in the southwest district of the capital of the island of Tenerife, Santa Cruz. It offers the teachings of Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO), General Certificate of Education (GCE) and Vocational Training (VET). In addition, it has two Enclave Classrooms (AE) that train students with Special Educational Needs (NEE).

The global number of professionals in our school is 90 people: 71 teachers, 5 from the administration and services staff and 14 external to the school staff who regularly work with us. Among them, the school has specialized personal resources: three Special Education teachers who offer support for Specific Educational Support Needs (NEAE) and a professional with Educational and Psychopedagogical Orientation.

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MERAKI is a non-profit organisation located in Valencia (Spain). It was constituted in 2017 by a group of committed professionals in the fields of education, social welfare and integration, psychology and technology.

Despite the organisation has been recently created, the professionals involved in it have more than 15 years of experience in the field of education, European projects and entrepreneurship.

MERAKI is currently participating in three European projects with the role of training design, curriculum development and delivering of training courses. Also, in one of them we are hosting an e-learning platform (Moodle) and we are providing support in the design of on-line and blended training. The team in MERAKI is also capable of organising training and multiplier events in Valencia, where it is located.

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Title: « Culture heritage and Gamification in Education»

Project code 2020-1-EL01-KA227-SCH-094519

Duration: 2 years

Applicant Organisation

ICON Greece, NGO



  • Geniko Lykeio Iasmou, General Upper Secondary school


  • V.E.M. srls
  • Istituto Istruzione Superiore “P. Mazzone”


  • IES El Sobradillo, Secondary School
  • Associació Meraki Projectes de València, NGO